- make a name for oneself 為某人創造了某種名聲(好或壞皆可形容)
- make ends meet 付帳單
- makeover 美容;翻新
*Making reservations in English should be a breeze now!(=should be easy now)
- malevolent 傷害他人的
- mandarin duck 鴛鴦
- maneuver v.調動;n.軍事演習
- mark your calendar for Apple's new iPhone day
- marquee 跑馬燈
*Ma's approval rating (滿意度) is under 40%.
*May they have a long and happy marriage.
- memory lane 時光隧道;往事感懷
*Take a trip down memory lane with these yearbook photos.
- meteorologist 大氣學家
- misanthrope 厭世者,不相信人性本善
- misogynist 討厭女人之人
- misogamist 討厭婚姻之人
- mighty=powerful 強大的
- mimic 模仿
- mingle=walk around and talk to people
- mnemonic 幫助記憶的方法
- mock polo neck 半高領上衣
- moldy bread 發霉的麵包
- money order 匯票
- moniker=nickname
- motif 中心思想
- mudslide 土石流
- mule 騾;固執之人
*Don't be a young mule. 年紀輕輕,別那麼固執
- mull 仔細思考
- mulligan stew 菜肉雜燴
- mulligan=second chance at hitting the ball after a small mistake, without penalty (高爾夫球)
- multitude 大眾;許多(=variety)
- mutiny=rebellion
*My brother works harder than before; I see career success in his future.
*My parents' health means the world to me.
- narrative 敘事
- narrator 鈙述者;解說員
- native speaker of English
- neck-and-neck 不分上下;並駕其驅
*Never under estimate the power of positive thinking.
- newly minted millionaire 剛出爐的百萬富翁
- nimble 靈巧的;機靈的;聰明的
- No frills=without bells and whistles=no extra things/features you really need or want
- No nuke 反對核電
- no-nonsense=always being serious
- not be averse to something 不討厭某事物
*Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- numbers game 彩券賭博;數字遊戲
- oath 誓言
*He took an oath to give up gambling. 他發誓不再賭博
- obligatory=required or compulsory
- obsolete 淘汰的;過時的(=old-fashioned);v.淘汰
- obstacle 障礙
- on the house 免費
- on a diet 節食中
- on a (tight) budget
- on the outskirts of the city
- on the rocks=on ice 加冰塊
- on the rocks=with ice
- opt out 不參加;退出
- opt 選擇
- opulence 豪華奢侈
- order food for delivery
- order in 外送
- orthodox 通常的;傳統的
- outdoorsy 喜愛戶外活動的
- overlook 忽略;俯瞰
- ovo-vegetarian 蛋素者
- Oct 16 Tue 2012 11:56
English note M~O