- cabbie 計程車司機
- caddy 桿弟
- calque[法] 翻譯外來語=translated loanword=loan translation
- camaraderie 同事朋友間的友愛與信任=fellowship
*Can I take a message?
*Can you get Robert on the line please? 可以請Robert接電話嗎?
- candid 公平公正的;坦率直言的;偷拍的
*a candid photograph 偷拍的照片
- can't be overlooked(忽略)=must be careful
- capri pants 七分褲
- carcinogen 致癌物質
- cardigan 胸前開釦的羊毛衫
- cardinal=main 主要的
- cardinal=very important
- cardiovascular 心血管的
- catastrophic=disastrous
- catch some z's=sleep
- catharsis 淨化
- cavalier attitude 傲慢的態度
- certificate of stock 股票
- chameleon 變色龍
- change my mind (對較小事情的)改變心意
- change your mind to relieve stress 換個念頭舒解壓力
- chase money 追逐金錢
- cheat sheet 小抄
- chic = fashionable;瀟灑別緻的
- chicken nugget (麥克)雞塊
*China's surprise cut in benchmark lending rates on Thursday caught economists and the markets by surprise, and could signal its economy is slowing faster than previously thought.
- chip in=pay a part of the total cost
- chord 和弦;心弦
*strike a sympathetic chord 觸及憐憫之情
- chore 家務事
- chronic disease, e.g. cancer etc
- chronic 久病的;長期的
- chunk (撕下的)碎片
- cilantro 芫荽(一種香菜)
- cinematography 電影風格
- clairvoyant 預言家
- cliche 陳腔濫調
- close call 驚險一瞬間;差一點就發生危險
- cocktail dress 酒會禮服
- collide 衝突;抵觸;碰撞
- combat stress 對抗壓力
- combustion 燃燒
- come over (抓住) someone
- command 命令;指令
- commend 推薦;稱讚
- commotion=excitement
- compelled 被迫的
- compilation 編輯物;編輯組合
- complement v.搭配得好
- complement 互相搭配;互補(物)
- complementary 互補的;相配的
- complexion 氣色;臉上的皮膚狀況
- complication 糾葛;混亂;複雜;併發症
- compliment 恭維
- compliment 恭維讚美
- complimentary ticket 優待券
- comply with 遵守
- compromise 妥協;危及(=jeopardize)
- con artist 金光黨;騙子
- conceal=hide
- concede=admit, confess
- concede=admit, confess (被迫)承認
- conceit n. 自滿;自大
- conceit=arrogance 自負;自大
- conceit=arrogance 自負;自大
- conceited=arrogant 自大的
- conceive=think
- conceive=think
- concierge [法]旅館櫃檯職員;門房
- concise = brief
- condiment 調味料;佐料
- condom 保險套
- confection 西點;糖果
- confectionary 糕餅的;n.糕餅糖果店;(總稱)糕餅糖果
- confine=limit
- congee 稀飯
*Congress approved Jobs Act this week and President is expected to sign into law next week.
- conjunction 連接詞;關聯
- connotation 言外之意;弦外之音
- conscientious 認真勤奮的
- conspiracy 陰謀
- contagious 有傳染性的
- contaminant 污染物
- contaminated 受污染的
- contraceptive 避孕藥(=the "Pill")
- controversial 有爭議的;可疑的
- controversy 爭論
- convention 慣例;會議
- conventional=common, normal, average
- convey a message=express something, communicate
- convey 傳達(=communicate);運送
- convey=carry, transport 搬運;傳遞
- couch surfing 提供簡單住宿(沙發)給背包客
*Could i get a soda on the rocks?
*Could you repeat my number please, to verify?
- cracker 鹹餅乾
- crash v. 撞壞;當機;免費宿夜 ;adj. 速成的
*The PC just crashed. 電腦當機了
*He is willing to have someone crash at his place. 他願意提供免費住宿給某人
- crash course 快速且密集的課程
*give you a crash course in a foreign language
- cringe 畏縮;卑躬屈膝
- crop top 繞頸露背上衣
- crop up=sth new that happens that you have to deal with
- cultivate 栽培;耕種;結交(朋友)
*He always tries to cultivate famous people.
- cup of tea=sth you really enjoy
- custody n. 監護;保管;拘留
*Parents have the custody of young children. 父母監護未成年小孩
*The documents are in the custody of my lawyer. 文件由我的律師保管著
*Cut it out.=Quit it. 停止做某事
- culinary=related to cooking
dance on your palette=food that tastes very interesting and fun to eat
- cynical 憤世嫉俗的;不相信人性本善的
- dangle 懸盪
- dashboard dining 邊開車邊用餐
- dashboard 儀表板
- daunt=frighten
- day clutch 手拿包
- debris flow 土石流
- debris 岩層
- decadent 墮落的;頹廢的
- deceive 欺騙
- deceive 欺騙
- decipher 解釋;破解密碼
- deck chair/lawn chair 休閒椅(多放在陽台或戶外或社區中庭)
- decollete [法]露肩的
- deed 行為行動;契約
*Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves. 言語是綠葉,行為結碩果(強調做比說更重要)
*I have the deed to the house. 我有這所房子的房契
- defendant 被告
- defensive stock 防禦型股
- delectable=enjoyable
- delicacy 美食
- deportation 驅逐出境
- deprive (剝奪) sb of sth
- deskbound 整天坐在辦公室的
- devastate 破壞
- device 儀器裝置
- devise=to plan or invent a new way of doing sth
- dialect 不同於官方標準的發音或語詞;也可通稱方言
- dialect 方言
- diligent=hard working 勤奮工作的
- dioxin 戴奧辛
- dis someone=disrespect someone
- discreet=careful about what you say or do, so that you do not offend or embarrass people
- discrete=clearly separate
- discretion 謹慎;考慮周到
- discriminate against 歧視;反對=reject
- disinfectant 消毒劑
- disorientation 迷失方向
- disperse 驅散;疏散;解散
- dissemination=distribution
- diverge 分叉;分岐
*The road diverges ahead. 路在前面分岔
*These figures and the last ones diverge greatly. 這次的數字和上次的數字差異很大
- divergence 分歧;背離分離
- divulge=reveal, inform
- do aerobics 做有氧運動
*Do i need a visa for japan? 到日本需要簽證嗎?
*Do you have any brochures on ...?
*Doctors prescribe medication.
dodge 閃躲(避)
- Dongpo pork 東坡肉
*Don't bite off more than you can chew.
*Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.
*Don't even ask. 別問了
*Don't speak with mouth full.
- downer=something depressing, disappointing
- downright=absolutely, completely
- drowsiness 疲倦想睡覺
- dude ranch 觀光牧(農)場
- dust mite 塵蹣
- duty-free exemption 免稅額度
- duvet day 減壓休假日
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 23:39
English note C~D